Submit RSS news feed, full text or summaries:
Submit your RSS or XML news release feeds on products or services of any categories, industries or regions. If you have a feed from your press release service, newswire, company site, blog, news site, products or services listing page, submit it to info(at) We will display the feed on LosAngeles.CityRegions.Com. The feed can be summaries or full text articles or news.
RSS feed summaries:
RSS feed summaries will be published on LosAngeles.Cityregions.Com. The cost to publish your RSS feed summarry is only $10 per month or $89 per year.
We currently accept credit cards for both the monthly or yearly payment plans. To order plan, complete this agreement form, sign and email to info(at) and include your RSS feed in the email. If you wish to pay with PayPal, you can only do so with the yearly plan. For payment with Paypal send payment to editor(at) Include feed in message area when making payment.
Full text XML feed:
To sumbmit full text XML feed, contact editor(at) for pricing. The feed is published on EmailWire.Com and distributed over GroupWeb Media network.
Please note that we currently accept only RSS 2.0 feeds. If you have Atom feed, please convert it to RSS 2.0 before sending. If you have any questions, Send enquiries through our contact us form or call GroupWeb Media at +1 (281) 645-4086.
How your RSS feed will be displayed:
The description of your feed will be displayed on the right column under the "Newswire RSS Marketplace", then it will be linked a full page that we'll display your news, prodict or service information. Here is an example of a full page feed display at