Los Angles Press Releases
(LosAngeles.CityRegions.Com, September 08, 2021 ) LOS ANGELES, CA - Step and Repeat LA is an independently-owned company that has produced Media Walls, also known in the industry as step and repeats or simply “red carpet backdrops”, for some of the most elaborate and big-budgeted film premieres. One of its latest projects is for an exciting and informative new documentary aimed at shedding some much-needed light on the darkness that is the Student Loan Industry.
Every year, high school graduates walk across a stage, hearts filled with youthful optimism for the future, to receive diplomas signifying their graduation. Some choose to join the military, others go directly into the work force, and many more go on to college. For those students looking to pursue a higher education, there’s always that big question each of them must face:
Who will be paying for my education?
Lots of students receive scholarships to cover the costs of their expensive universities, while some enjoy the luxury of relying on the generosity of parents or a wealthy relative to help pave the road to success. But then there are those who do not have either options available to them…and that is where the Student Loan Industry comes in.
"The student loan problem is out of control, and it’s messed up millions of lives," said Dave Ramsey, host of ‘The Ramsey Show’, CEO of Ramsey Solutions and executive producer of ‘Borrowed Future’.
The film was directed by David DiCicco, who chose to focus the film’s narrative on a variety of subjects, including one student who allegedly owed nearly $1 million in exchange for the education they received. The producers and creatives behind the film hope that by revealing the truth behind the so-called “American Dream”, they will in turn be able to spare an entire generation (and hopefully more to come) the painful reality one must face once college is complete: paying back that massive amount of debt.
Step and Repeat LA created a full-color backdrop, that stretched 20’ feet in length, for the film's recent premiere. Using high-quality matte-fabric to absorb all light from flash photography, the backdrop artwork is sure to stand out in photos, as it features an ominous yet impactful image of a graduate’s portrait whose face has been taken over by a suggestive image of The White House.
‘Borrowed Future: How Student Loans Are Killing the American Dream’ is set to premiere on digital platforms October 14, 2021.
Step and Repeat LA
Codi-Rose Filios
818 434-7591
Source: EmailWire.Com
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