Los Angles Press Releases
(LosAngeles.CityRegions.Com, October 01, 2021 ) BEVERLY HILLS, CA - The sun was shining and faces were glowing with pride as VIP guests walked into a private mansion gathering in Beverly Hills on September 24th to celebrate a brand new line being launched in collaboration with Macy’s department stores.
Dana Scott is a fashion designer, who after more than ten years of experience working in the fashion industry, ventured out on her own and created her very own clothing line aimed at inspiring and uplifting those who wear it. Scott is a bold, forward-thinking artist with an entrepreneurial mindset who realized that a clothing line that matched her personal philosophies did not exist in the world of fashion.
Scott believes that anything is possible if one just believes in oneself…and it all comes back to confidence and self love. Her line aims to uplift and empower women, and to serve as a sort of “best friend” that gives a gal that daily charge-up of inspiration that she needs to power through her day, while allowing her to step out into the world with style and grace.
Step and Repeat LA created an 8’ tall by 16’ wide backdrop that served as the party’s photo-op. Accompanied by a flourishing array of pink balloons, the party vibe certainly matched that of the clothing line itself: bright, cheerful, fun and yes, incredibly uplifting!
Step and Repeat LA is an independently-owned, one-stop-shop red carpet event company that provides Media Walls and photo-op backdrops for every type of event. From high-profile events to intimate gatherings, Step and Repeat LA also provides custom design, as well as in-house printing and complete setup and take-down services. Located just outside of Burbank, Step and Repeat LA is known for delivering their products in as little as 24 hours.
Step and Repeat LA
Codi-Rose Filios
818 434-7591
Source: EmailWire.Com
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