Los Angles Press Releases
(LosAngeles.CityRegions.Com, May 19, 2015 ) Los Angeles, California -- Stuart Johns, director of Prohoze (http://www.prohoze.com) said...
" I know that gardening is a hobby which, although very rewarding, is time consuming. This is why Prohoze decided to take a look at some gardening items which will not only save time, but will also prevent joint and back pain." An expandable garden hose (expandable hose) is a useful addition when it comes to labor saving devices for the garden. Expanding hose pipes are lightweight, easy to store and expand to three times their size and retract after use.
Gardening should be a family affair; however, trying to get the children involved often needs ingenuity. This is where aerating the lawn comes in. There are several types of lawn aerators on the market which clip onto shoes and children find them fun to wear while playing ball or tag on the lawn. The tedious job of aerating the lawn will be done in no time and the children will have had fun while doing it.
Adjustable fan rakes not only have adjustable heads but they also have adjustable handles. This allows the gardener to use the adjustable rake as an extension of their arm while kneeling or sitting down while gardening. The adjustable head means the gardener can not only do the usual tasks, such as collecting leaves or grass clippings, but he can also get into those difficult areas such as under bushes or in the middle of densely planted flower beds.
A garden kneeler helps to protect the back from permanent damage by allowing the gardener to kneel rather than stoop. Some garden kneelers can be reversed so they serve as a bench as well as a kneeler, they then fold away for easy storage. A stirrup hoe or hula hoe can be used for killing weeds. It is another back saver as it allows the gardener to weed while standing up. The blade is shaped like a stirrup which oscillates backwards and forwards chopping the roots of the weeds below the surface. Finally, planting bulbs can be an exceptionally arduous and back breaking task. A bulb planting augur allows the gardener to dig holes for planting while standing upright and the hole is prepared in a couple of seconds.
About Prohoze
Prohoze is a registered company dedicated to finding solutions to daily chores and specializing in the expanding garden hose (http://www.amazon.com/Trunx-Expandable-Expanding-Function-Prohoze/dp/B00KZ7J7XE/),the next best thing in gardening equipment!
Rosemary Mills
Source: EmailWire.Com
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