Los Angles Press Releases
(LosAngeles.CityRegions.Com, May 27, 2015 ) Los Angeles, California -- Trained Sports CEO, Chris Moal, shares again to customers one of the best benefits of regular exercise – improving brain functions. Moal says that different studies on both men and mice have proven that cardiovascular exercises can help make new brain cells, which improves general brain performance. Studies also say, according to Moal, that a tough exercise can help improve levels of brain-derived protein in the body, which is thought of to help with higher thinking, decision making and learning.
Moal adds that regular exercise can improve memory and ability to learn new concepts. This is because exercise improves the production of cells in the brain responsible for learning and memory. Research has also linked children's level of physical fitness to brain development, Moal says, but that it doesn't just work for children but for grown-ups, too. Working out can improve memory and sprints can help improve vocabulary retention in healthy adults, Moal says.
Another surprising benefit of exercise according to Moal is helping control addiction. He says that short exercise sessions can effectively distract alcohol or drug addicts. Moal explains, "Alcohol disturbs a lot of body processes such as a person's circadian rhythm. Because of this, alcoholics find themselves having difficulty sleeping without having alcohol. Exercise is known to help bring back the body clock, which helps a person sleep right on time."
For some people, moderate intensity workouts can help relieve insomnia, Moal adds. Being physically active 5 to 6 hours before bedtime can increase the body's temperature and when this returns to normal after a several hours, it then tells the body that it is time to rest.
Trained Sports distributes sports tools that can be easily used anywhere. One of their portable tools includes their resistance bands, which comes with a free e-book on different exercises that can be done with the bands.
About Trained Sports
Trained Sports is a start-up company focusing on affordable but quality training equipment for fitness enthusiasts (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00CCOZ5A2) from all levels. Their vision is to promote physical wellness through innovative and modern sports equipment that will inspire more people to reach fitness goals with an enjoyable workout experience.
Trained Sports
Chris Moal
Source: EmailWire.Com
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