Los Angles Press Releases
(LosAngeles.CityRegions.Com, June 11, 2015 ) Los Angeles, California -- Chris Moal, CEO of sports tool distributor Trained Sports, explains the advantages of using resistance bands for strength training. Trained Sports distributes convenient and portable sports tools on Amazon including their very own resistance bands. The bands come ready with everything that is needed to start using it.
"For people wondering why it is important to strength train, let me explain. Strength training helps improve muscle and bone strength that can also help a person prevent fractures and falls while also improving the body's ability for cellular growth and improvement of neurons, which also explains how exercise can benefit the brain," Moal says.
Moal says that resistance training can also help improve the muscles and bones' density and quality. It is also said to help improve the brain, which also helps a person avoid dementia. Moal says that resistance training can be done using gym equipment, free weights or resistance bands. Resistance bands and gym equipment are recommended for beginners as free weights will need good form and control, Moal says.
Finally, Moal suggests taking strength training further by doing slow weight training, which is said to produce similar fitness and health benefits as the ever popular high intensity interval training. "The two types of exercise might seem like total opposites but if you combine slowing down lifts and lifting them to failure makes it into a highly intense exercise that produces a chain of metabolic adaptations that improves fitness level and muscle strength."
Trained Sports Resistance Bands on Amazon comes with a free exercise book, which contains exercises that can be done using the bands. It also comes in various tensions for varying fitness levels.
About Trained Sports
Trained Sports is a start-up company focusing on affordable but quality training equipment for fitness enthusiasts (http://www.amazon.com/Trained-Sports-Resistance-Routines-Exercise/dp/B00F88IIGM) from all levels. Their vision is to promote physical wellness through innovative and modern sports equipment that will inspire more people to reach fitness goals with an enjoyable workout experience.
Trained Sports
Chris Moal
Source: EmailWire.Com
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